Springcreek Title I Information 2024-2025
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and schools with high percentages of children from low-income families to ensure that all children meet challenging academic content
Piqua Gifted Services
Piqua City Schools has Gifted Intervention Specialists to meet the needs of students identified as superior cognitive or as gifted in reading and/or mathematics
Piqua Student Services
Our Department of Student Services staff is committed and ready to serve our students and their families in the areas of:
• Academic interventions
• Enrichment education
• Special education
• Early childhood education
• Related service
Piqua Curriculum Department
The Piqua City Schools Curriculum Department is dedicated to providing the highest quality educational support to our students, teachers, staff and parents.
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee is a program to identify students from kindergarten through grade 3 that are behind in reading. Schools will provide help and support to make sure students are on track for reading success by the end of third grade.