When we are driving in the car, I can…. 
- Look for letters, colors and shapes in the environment (restaurant or street signs, license plates)
- Makes observations, predictions or ask questions about, the weather, things we see
- Begin to identify buildings, streets, familiar sites
- Play alphabet, and counting games (how many green things do you see? What do you see that starts with the letter b?
When you read a book, sing songs or read a poem with me, I can …. 
- Look at the title, cover, pages
- Use the pictures and words to talk about the story and characters
- Relate stories to ‘real life’ experiences
- Recognize some letters (especially those in my name)
- Recognize or listen for rhyming words
- Enjoy the story and time spent together talking about books! Share our favorite parts.
When you help me write a message or letter, I can…. 
- Learn to properly grasp a pencil or crayon to write, draw and color
- Practice writing letters, numbers, drawing pictures to express an idea or thought
When we play games (Chutes and Ladders, Memory, Go Fish, Simon Says, freeze tag), I can…. 
- Touch and count spaces or dots on the dice or game board
- Recognize numbers 1-10
- Take turns and show cooperative behaviors
- Follow rules to be safe, fair and show good sportsmanship
When we play with objects found in our house or in nature, I can…. 
- Sort, order and compare objects by size, shape, color, length, weight
- Identify and repeat simple patterns (red, blue, red, blue) (circle square, circle, square) or figure out what comes next in a pattern
- Compare groups of objects to see which has more/less or the same number
When we play with Legos, blocks or other toys, I can…. 
- Explores, investigate, create and build things
- Identify shapes and talk about their characteristics
- Describe the position of objects using terms such as in/on/under, up/down, inside/outside, above/ below, beside/between, in front of/ behind
When we have a conversation I can... 
- Practice speaking clearly
- Use my own words to express wants and needs
- Ask questions and answer questions
- Learn general knowledge about myself (my first and last name, parents names, birthday phone number, address etc)
- Take turns talking and listening
- Describe familiar people, places, things, experiences
When I have a daily routine and you give me time to learn how to do things by myself I can... 
- Fix myself healthy foods and snacks (pour my own juice, open my own food packages)
- Develop good habits (sleep, exercise, play )
- Limit my tv and computer screen time
- Use the restroom independently
- Learn to tie my shoes, zip, snap and button my clothes
- Develop healthy habits such as washing my hands, covering coughs and sneezes, not sharing personal items such as combs, water bottles, hats
When I watch you interact with others I can learn how to properly…. 
- Express emotions in a socially acceptable way
- Recognize others’ emotions and show empathy and respect
- Interact with others in a socially acceptable and inclusive way
- Shows independence by walking into the classroom confidently, and joining a group with minimal distress
- Identify and respect cultural differences
- Resolve conflict with peers
If you have concern about your child’s development in any of these areas… the following groups/agencies may be very helpful…Piqua Parents As Teachers, Help me Grow, your child’s preschool, Piqua City Schools, Miami County Educational Service Center or the public library.