Enrolling your child for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 School Year

Enrolling your child for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 School Year

        Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year will open on March 3, 2025!
To start preparing for Kindergarten Registration, please read below:

Students entering Kindergarten MUST be 5 years old by August 1 of the school year for which they are being registered.

Gather Required Documents Needed to Complete Your Child’s Registration
You will need to bring the required documentation with you to your registration appointment.  Part of the registration process is for the parent(s) or legal guardian’s to provide the following documents:
    1. The original or a certified copy of your child’s birth certificate. Certified birth certificates can be obtained through the public health department in the city or county where your child was born or by contacting the Office of Vital Statistics through the Ohio Department of Health.
    1. Photo identification must be a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID
  3. PROOF OF RESIDENCY (one of the following)
    1. City of Piqua Utility Bil, AES, or CenterPoint Energy bill in its entirety (must include Parent(s) or Legal Guardian's name and service address).  The bill cannot be more than 60 days old - No other bills are acceptable.
    2. If a utility bill is unavailable:
      1. A new rental/lease agreement signed by the parent(s) or legal guardian and the person or company renting the property.
      2. New closing documents or mortgage agreement including property address, signed by both the parent(s) or legal guardian and the seller.
      3. A Residence Affidavit (good for one school year) is required if the parent(s) or legal guardian is living with a family member or friend who resides in the district.
      4. A Superintendent Agreement form is required if the following criteria apply:
          Parent/Legal Guardian is in the process of building, purchasing or renting a home and is not physically residing at the address until after the registration process; a signed purchase contract or lease is still required and must show the approximate move-in date.  Per ORC, the occupancy date cannot exceed 90 calendar days from the student's first day of school.
    3. Piqua City Schools reserves the right to require additional documentation as proof of residency as necessary.
    1. In the event of a legal separation or divorce, the parent who has legal custody must provide a complete copy of the court-ordered custody agreement that indicates the parent is the residential custodial parent of the child for school purposes.
  5. CURRENT IMMUNIZATION RECORD AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (Please note...you can still register your child even if they do not have their immunizations and physical completed.  These items DO need to be completed by the time the 2025-2026 school year begins.)
    1. Your child must be current with all immunization requirements including kindergarten booster shots.  
    2. A physical examination can be obtained through your family doctor, The Little Clinic, or Miami County Public Health.  Any well-child visit dated September 2, 2024, to the current day is valid as a kindergarten physical.
    3. Both immunization records and your child’s physical must be completed before your child can start kindergarten.
    4. If you have questions about immunization records, your child’s physical or if your child has medical needs, please get in touch with the school’s nurse.
    5. You can fax your child’s immunization or physical records directly to the school.
    6. School Contact Information:
Springcreek Primary:
Mrs. Keri Scott, School Nurse
Fax:  937-778-2995

Washington Primary:
Mrs. Abby Kuhlman, School Nurse
Fax: 937-778-2992

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