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Changes in Food Distribution Beginning March 30th (March 29, 2020)
As stated before, it is very important to us that we keep our students, their families, and our staff as safe as possible while we distribute food to those in need.  Because of this, we want to limit the number of times we are asking parents to come to pick up food to just one day a week instead of each day.  Beginning this week, we will be distributing five days’ worth of food on one day.  Breakfast and lunch food items will again be distributed at PHS and PCIS.  Parents and students will continue to stay in their cars and we will hand food to you.  If you plan to go to PHS, please enter on Indian Trail and pull up to the second set of doors in front of the high school.  You will then exit on Tomahawk Trail.   PCIS food will be distributed in the back off of Camp Street as last week.  Again, we will provide five days’ worth of food to each child aged 1 – 18 for free on Monday only this week beginning at noon until we run out of food.  I would like to thank our wonderful kitchen staff for preparing all of this food.  I would also like to thank our technology department along with some bus drivers, secretaries, administrators, and teachers that are helping with this process.  Finally, I wish to thank the community volunteers that have helped as well.  We could not do this without the help of all of these great people.   Have a great week.  Thank you.